Hi everyone! I have tried this blogging thing before, over a million different times to be exact and it always goes so well for the first couple weeks (let’s be honest maybe the first week) and then I just stop. I don’t think I have ever had enough followers that would miss me, so it just falls to waist side and I continue on with my life.
Well, last night I was thinking I get these random ideas of things to write about all the time. Mostly right before I go to bed or take a shower or sitting at work bored out of my mind (I think we might have just gotten a little two personal). So I figured I would write it all down and hopefully entertain a few people, if not, then I will just entertain myself.
Well, I guess I should introduce myself… I’m Leah. I’m in my mid-twenties and live the Sunshine State (which isn’t always sunny, so whoever came up with the nickname must of missed out on the rainy days). As for how I fill my days (well just Monday thru Friday) I work a strange desk job that when I tell people about it go, “well I guess someone needs to do that.” I have met the love of my life (he will commonly be referred to as “Boyfriend” or “Babe”) about 9 months ago. Before you say, “how do you know he is the love of your life you have only been together 9 months… bullshit” I respond with when you know you know, but more on him and that at another time (he will occasionally write in here too.) I am not your girlyest of girls… I love makeup (and have a ton) but never wear it, I occasionally do my hair but typically its in a bun atop my head (and if that ever goes out of style, I’m screwed). I am a huge Disney addict and typically take my drug as trips to the parks (let’s just say I’m there about 3 times a month).
Well that is me, and my simple ramblings about my life and food (did I mention, I love food) and my relationship (that I did mention).
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