I'm Zack!

Yay! It's Monday! - said no one ever! 

But it is Monday, and that means early morning wake ups and extremely tired Leah all week long. Yay (no!)

This weekend was fun and my lack of sleep explains that :). Quick recap: Friday we went out for a friend's birthday and I stayed up past my bedtime (of 9:30) till really late (like 1am). Saturday, Babe and I had hair appointments (I promise I will take some updated photos of myself soon) and went to the local art festival (it was packed so we left after like 10 minutes)then we made dinner at home and  watched Frozen (love that movie)! Sunday, we hung out with some friends and saw Divergent (I have read the books) and made dinner at home. It was a good weekend :)

But I didn't want this whole post to be a weekend recap, I wanted to do something fun. So, I love quizzes! Especially when they relate to the 90's. I stumbled upon the "Which Saved By the Bell Character Are You?"quiz and I just had to take it. :)  Let's see just how I did...

So they wanted you to pick a fruit, how do you do that without knowing what the fruit actually means? I like apples, so apples it is. 
Really a paper product? Okay and money is a paper, but I thought more along the lines of what is prettier to look at (okay, money is prettier to look at)
Who doesn't need Advil? 

I currently own almost all of these products (including the 1984 computer...kidding!) but I picked which one I use the most. 
I love all these cookies (just call me a fatty!)
I love all of these smells, but pizza is my jam!

I fear almost all of these, but I know I could never be a contestant on Survivor... (oh I had a Alf doll when I was a kid, so I could probably handle him... major points if you know what ALF stands for...)
I'd bust ass on all of those! 
I like clouds (Babe and I spent like half a car ride talking about clouds and how they form... true story)
The beach is pretty.. so are most of these landscapes. 
I almost bought this bed!! 

And my results are....
So, I'm basically too cool for school! Yeah I know I am. 

Well, I hope this helped you get through your Monday, and maybe you laugh. What character are you? 
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  1. Ooh I need to take this test! How fun! I loved/love Saved by the Bell. The reruns are my favorite things ever! Thank goodness for MTV and playing those on the weekends. Win!

  2. I love buzzfeed quizzes!! I got Zack too!!

  3. Haha I got Kelly! I didn't expect that at all. I love SBTB so much and have every episode (even the Good Morning Miss Bliss years) on my laptop. I think I'm gonna enjoy your blog ;)

    Best wishes, Danielle.


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