It's About to Get Lovey Dovey (and a Link Up)

A couple of days ago I was so stressed about how I was going to plan my wedding and how everything was going to look (which I think is common in any kind of big event planning) and just got so worked up. Update on that: we hired a wedding planner to help with the vision and they can even help negotiate better prices for everything we need! So problemo solved!! We are also doing a lot of DIY! 

But you know, through all of this (stress thus far) I realized I am super lucky to marry Babe. I love him so much and so happy that at the end of the day I get to be his wife. (Alright, I got mushy and gushy there, sorry (I'm not sorry)). 

Anyways searching through old school Facebook (no one uses that thing anymore, I am just learning that) I found stumbled upon Cosmo's list of 18 Signs You're With the Man You Should Marry. I had to read it and find out if Babe and I are meant to be. So let's review, shall we :) 

1. He brags about you. - I would like to say that he does, but I am not sure, because when he would brag I would not be around :) 

2. He makes sacrifices for you - and you're happy to do the same. - He makes sacrifices all the time for me, and gives me (within reason) anything I want. (He claims he never says no.) I try and do things for him and make sacrifices, but don't always tell them of such. 

3. He shares the same values as you. - This was a big thing when we started dating, because if we didn't share these, then we would not last.

4. Even after years together he still does little chivalrous things for you. - We haven't been together for years (about 10 months actually... but when you know, you know) but he still opens car doors for me :) (and I don't think that will stop) 

5. He doesn't try and change you. - He loves that I'm me and I love the he is himself around me (including all the gross stuff) 

6. When you think about marrying him, the best part isn't the wedding, it's the idea of spending your lives together. - That is what we kept reminding each other when we were stressing about the wedding. I can't wait to just be his wife. 

7. You survived a long distance relationship. - We have never been in a long distance relationship, but we are spending two weeks apart while he is training. And it's hard. 

8. "I miss you" isn't just a sweet thing to say. - I miss him when he is not around, doesn't matter how far away he is (could even be in the other room) 

9. You don't like having a roommate and love having your own space, but you'd still prefer to live with him. -  We always joke about this, because before we moved in together I said I always needed "my space". Now, if he gets up and walks to the kitchen I ask where he is going. 

10. He's your go-to person whenever you have a story to share, about work , about friends, about anything. - We talk all day, everyday and it's been like that since we started dating. 

11. You feel comfortable planning things six months -- or a year-- in the future - We have been like this since our first date (even though I got scared and backed away)

12. You can cry in front of him without feeling embarrassed. - I don't cry often, but when I do he tries to console me, even if he is the reason I'm crying. 

13. When your friends complain about their significant other or the guys they've gone out with, you get kind of quiet because you don't have much to contribute. - I mean we fight and I vent to my 
friends, but typically my relationship is awesome and we talk everything out between us that we don't have an issues.

14. He's close with your family and he's make sure you've gotten to know his. - He met my mom after our first date (he wanted to) and I met his family a few times. I was even scared they didn't like me.
15. He cares about your friends. - He likes my friends and even wants to hang out with them most of the time, so he always says if you want to see a friend, go see a friend. 

16. He lets you vent. - Well this happens everyday. Something always ruffles my feathers and he doesn't mind listening (sometimes he minds when he wants to solve the problem and I don't like his solution though :))

17. He tells you, out of the blue, you look hot. - He does this on occasion when I least expect it (and I typically respond with "no I don't) 

18. You can do things like travel together without fighting all the time. - We made our first road trip (to Nashville) and I don't really remember fighting, like at all. 

So there you have it. He is the one I'm meant to be with and I love it. (By the way, this is how I plan on kissing him at the wedding) 

Well, totally off the topic of love... it's FRIDAY. So you know what that means, it's Whitney's awesome link-up #backthatazzup. Today's jam is a song I get stuck in my head on the regular! 
Stuck Like Glue by Sugarland on Grooveshark
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1 comment:

  1. This is precious. I love it! And I might be stealing this (just letting you know!) :)


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